ZEGG Summercamp 2025

July 26 – August 06

Registration (new window / in german)

All prices consist of course fee, standard accommodation, meals and visitor's tax. Prices are for accommodation in shared rooms, group dormitories and tents. Additional fees for indoor rooms vary for different price classes. The full board is almost exclusively organic and most of it is from our own daily fresh produce. We cook vegetarian and vegan meals.

Before registering as a guest helper, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out if and where you can support us. As for all festivals, a scholarship can be applied for the summer camp.

The festival starts on 26 July with the dinner/event at 18.30 and ends on 6 August with the event at 13.00, followed by lunch. The afternoons on 26 July and 4 August are for arrival and departure and can be spent on the premises.